Study highlights how technical swimsuits artificially enhanced athlete performance in 2009
June 06, 2017
Although much focus in professional sports is given to doping, it is important to be aware of other sources of artificial enhancement, according to John Vozenilek, M.D., senior author of the study and assistant professor of emergency medicine and medical education at Feinberg.
"Our interest in how elite athletes train arises from our interest in human factors and human performance under stress," said Vozenilek, also director of simulation technology and immersive learning at Feinberg. "This piece of technical equipment appears to have created a distinct advantage for those swimmers using it. The implications of this for the athletic community are far-reaching. Human-to-machine interfaces in athletics and in other domains continue to blur distinctions between improvements in training and external enhancements."
Incredible swim performances are possible without the assistance of high-tech suits, O'Connor said, pointing to two swimmers in 2011 that each broke a record set in 2009. But those two records don't make a dent in the phenomenal number of records made in 2009, O'Connor added.
Source: Northwestern University
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